The whitewater rafting experience

It all began back in May when Dilly and I were planning our trip to Canada. We were trying to decide what to do after the conference and Dilly said "Whitewater rafting in the Ottawa River seems a lot of fun. What do you think?". Long story short, we thought we were signing up for a calm afternoon in the river and instead we barely avoided a near death experience...

This was our instructor:

That plus the fact that we were explained how to do the "spiderman walk" in case of getting trapped under the raft and that we had to sign a waiver declaring that we understood that "whitewater rafting is DANGEROUS and can cause PERMANENT INJURIES and DEATH" made us wonder... what the hell were we doing there instead of going on the University Tour?!?

So after careful consideration and pondering whether to hide in the bushes or not, we were told that there were no refunds and decided to put our lives in the hands of our instructor. And this was what happened:

The "Oh Dilly, what have you gotten me into" face...

beginning our adventure in Beachburg

riding princess while surfing one of the rapids

jumping into the water from atop of a cliff

happy to have survived :)

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