Early birds

Os emigras hoje madrugaram e foram comer glórias, croissants, coxinhas de galinha e fatias de fios de ovos ao Moinho Velho. Gordalhões??? Nós???!!! Nááá... afinal de contas, o pequeno-almoço é a refeição mais importante do dia. Conclusão:

Deitar cedo e cedo erguer dá saúde e faz...

Erm...... crescer??

Rooftops at sunrise

We don't look at many of these in California...

rooftops, I mean :)

Aah! Feels so good to be jet lagged... how else would I see Nuno's airplane starting its descend from Maria's window at sunrise?

Light at the end of the tunnel??

Perhaps. Only one more report and oral presentation to go, then I can return to reality.

Homemade Spätzle and Pancake

Weird combination, no? Naah... not really.

the chef

Spätzle mit Cordon Bleu


Vending machine attack at 4:18

Life before high corn syrup fructose, while waiting for my stage 6 and 7 embryos.

The awesome vending machine!!!

And life after a chocolate bar, transformed into a scene from the movie Night at the Museum.

Not to mention the VLSB night security guard that actually showed up while I was taking this picture and that showed me a similar one he had taken earlier this week with the T. rex :)

The poetry of motion

Ah! The ice that calls you. The cold that tickles. The feeling of touching the freshly smoothed surface of the ice rink.

Shiny and slippery. It had been too long since I had last touched it.

Fruit fly philosophy

Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

EDIT: I've been spending way too many hours observing embryos under the microscope. Last night I got home at midnight and then dreamed I had microscopic vision and could no longer focus on regular sized objects.

Noiserv {Sessão Dupla}

Freddy, num videoclip do Noiserv?? What?!?

Humm... agora fiquei curiosa para ver o filme concerto na íntegra...
Mas para já para já let's look at a trailer! :P