Impressions from Canada

The thing you immediately notice when you arrive in Canada is the strange Canadian accent in words like "out" and "about". It's super funny and kind of hard not to smile every time you hear it, which is constantly... Fortunately Canadians are the nicest people I've encountered so far and don't mind it :)

The second thing you notice is that Canada is a lot different from the US. Sure it looks the same, with its traffic signs and steaks still being cooked from rare to well done... But if you are able to forget that for a second it's not hard to imagine you are in Europe: old buildings actually look old, cities have caracter, people have a real sense of humor and there's a special way of enjoying life... un certain je-ne-sais-quoi... un "Le Joie de Vivre"... You really have to love Canada for that!

Bilingual Ottawa

Busy downtown Toronto

Quiet and laid-back Montréal...

...full of vibrant and exciting nightlife.


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