Wedding day

Not every couple can brag about having two weddings in two different continents ;) Our first wedding took place at the San Francisco City Hall. We were thrilled with the idea of getting married and had friends and family flying in for the occasion so we couldn't be happier.

Remember, it's always a good idea not to be late for your own wedding...

...but if you do, remember to ask the bridesmaid and best man to stall. Hey, we did manage to get married!

"Join us in the circle of love"

the ceremony in the Rotunda

the photoshoot

Afterwards, we decided to take the celebration elsewhere: a lounge on the top floor of a skyscraper with an amazing view of the city.

champagne at The View

the bouquet

And there's no party without food, right?

dinner at Bossa Nova

Last but not least, the wedding gifts :)

Can't wait for the next one!!


Kris said...

estavam tão lindos :)

Rita said...

mts parabeeeeeeeens :) ehehehe realmente, nao é para todos casar em dois continentes diferentes :P ehehehe felicidades Monica! um beijinho grande*

mokinha said...

obrigada!!! :D prometo que para o ano vai ser ainda melhor, agora que já temos treino nisto ;) nada de atrasos (cof, cof) eh eh eh! kris, no verão vou precisar da tua ajuda para escolher o vestido de noiva para o próximo casamento!