Eastern Europe Adventure - Budapest

The Pearl of Danube. With hilly Buda on the western bank, and busy buzzing bourgeois (and flat!) Pest on the opposite bank, we decide to give our tired aching feet a rest and choose to start by learning more about Magyar history on the east side of the Danube.

Vajdahunyad Castle, contains parts of several Hungarian
buildings from various time periods, hence the different architectural styles.

Romanesque section (11th-13th century), Jak Chapel

Gothic section (14th-15th century)

Renaissance and Baroque section (16th-18th century)

Heroe's Square, with statues of the seven tribal leaders who led the Magyar tribes to Hungary in the 9th century and other figures from Hungarian history.

St. Stephen's Basilica, Budapest's largest church, dedicated to St. Stephen, first Christian king of Hungary. Inside, can be found his right hand, the country's most important relic.

Hungarian Parliament Building and the Danube, seen from the west bank.

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